/* Colors parameters of major elements */ @top_line_menu: #14479c; /* Background color of top line menu with language selector and EZ-pages */ @top_line_menu_text: #fff; @top_section_bg: #fff; /* Background color of top section where the logo and menu are located */ @tab_nav_text: #a3a2a2; /* Text color of the top menu (Home, Specials, etc) located to the right from logo */ @tab_nav_text_active: #fff; /* Color of active element of the same menu */ @menu_bg: #bc0e19; /* Background color of categories menu */ @menu_text: #fff; /* Color of categories menu item */ @menu_text_active: #222; /* Color of active categories menu item */ @bottom_bg: #a5a5a5; @bottom_text: #333; @buttons_bg: #092893; /* Buttons color of product listings */ @buttons_hover_bg: #D02F00; @buttons_text: #fff; @accent: #e80000; /* End of colors parameters of major elements */ .bottom-wrapper a {color: @bottom_text;} #cartContentsDisplay a {color: #444;} a#logindropd {color: #fff;} a:hover, .top-line-menu a:hover, a#logindropd:hover {color: @accent;} .home-banner .f-txt-h1 {color: @accent;} .home-banner .f-btn {color: #fff; background-color: @accent;} .home-banner .f-btn:hover {background-color: lighten(@accent, 2%);} /*mobile nav*/ .mdl-layout__drawer .login-info {background: lighten(@top_line_menu, 2%); color: @top_line_menu_text;} .mdl-layout__drawer .login-info a {color: @top_line_menu_text;} /*--*/ .topper-menu li, #login_logout_section, .cart-h-box, #currency_switcher, #language_switcher, #menu_more, .tm-account {border-right: 1px solid lighten(@top_line_menu, 10%); } .topper-menu li:first-child, .languages-wrapper {border-left: 1px solid lighten(@top_line_menu, 10%);} .search-header-input { background-color: lighten(@top_section_bg, 35%); border: 1px solid #efefef; color: darken(@menu_text, 10%);} .search-header-input:focus {background: #f7f7f7; border-color: #999;} .button-search-header {background-color: #a5a5a5;} .button-search-header:hover { opacity: 0.8; background-color: #a5a5a5;} /* .cart-header .cart-icon { background-color: lighten(@top_section_bg, 20%);} */ /* .cart-header:hover .cart-icon {background-color: lighten(@top_section_bg, 15%) !important;} */ /* .cart-h-box:hover {background-color: lighten(@top_line_menu, 15%) !important;} */ /* .cart-header .full {background-color: @menu_bg;} .cart-header:hover .full {background-color: lighten(@menu_bg, 6%) !important;} */ .cart-header span {color: @accent;} .tm-catalog {background-color: @top_line_menu !important;} .tm-catalog.tab-active {background-color: lighten(@top_line_menu, 5%) !important;} .tm-catalog a {color: @top_line_menu_text;} .amount-qty { background: #fff; color: #111;} .wide-section { background-color: #092c66; } .top-section-bg { background: @top_section_bg; } /*menu styles*/ /* .cat-nav-hor li.active1, .cat-nav-hor > #top_nav ul > li.tab_active a {background-color: darken(@menu_bg, 10%);}*/ .cat-nav-hor .active1, .cat-nav-hor .active2, .cat-nav-hor .active3, .cat-nav-hor > #top_nav ul > li.tab_active a {color: @menu_text_active !important;} /* .cat-nav-hor a .active2, .cat-nav-hor a .active3 {opacity: 0.6;} */ .cat-nav-box a .active1, .cat-nav-box a .active2, .cat-nav-box a .active3 {font-weight: bold; background: #a5a5a5;} .cat-nav-box ul li {border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;} .add-c-box {border-top: 1px solid #eee;} /* specials, featured etc. links box in cat sidebox */ .cat-nav-box ul li:hover {background-color: #f5f5f5 !important;} .cat-nav-hor a.level_1:before , .cat-nav-hor li.active1:before {background: @accent;} .cat-nav-hor {background-color: @menu_bg;} /* /menu styles*/ .popup, #categoriesPopup { border-bottom: 4px solid @accent; background-color: #fff;} /* menu border left/right */ .cat-nav-hor ul > li.level_1 > a > span, .cat-nav-hor > #top_nav ul > li {border-right: 0 solid lighten(@menu_bg, 16%);} .cat-nav-hor ul > li:first-child.level_1 > a > span, .cat-nav-hor > #top_nav ul > li:first-child {border-left: 0 solid lighten(@menu_bg, 16%);} /* / menuborder left/right */ .cat-nav-hor ul li:hover {background-color: lighten(@menu_bg, 5%);} .cat-nav-hor ul li ul, .cat-nav-hor ul li ul li ul {background-color: @menu_bg; border: 0 solid darken(@menu_bg, 1%);} .cat-nav-hor ul li ul {border-top: 6px solid lighten(@menu_bg, 5%)} .cat-nav-hor ul li a span, .cat-nav-hor > #top_nav ul > li a {color: @menu_text;} .cat-nav-hor a:hover span {color: darken(@menu_text, 30%);} /* Sideboxes */ #vertcategoriescss .sidebox-header-left, #categories .sidebox-header-left, .sidebox-header-left, .sidebox-header-right {background-color: #a5a5a5; border-top: 4px solid @accent; color: #333;} .tools-wrapper { border: 0 solid @menu_bg; background-color: transparent /* lighten(@menu_bg, 46%) */; border-top: 0; } .top-line-menu {background-color: @top_line_menu; border-bottom: 0 dotted #e1e1e1; box-shadow: inset 0 -7px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.02);} .top-line-menu a, .top-line-menu {color: @top_line_menu_text;} .top-line-menu a:hover {color: @accent;} #tab_nav a {color: @tab_nav_text;} #tab_nav a:hover {color: lighten(@tab_nav_text, 20%);} #tab_nav li.tab_active a {color: @tab_nav_text_active;} /* .carousel-box h2.centerBoxHeading {background-color: @menu_bg !important;}*/ .cssButton, .cssButtonHover, .buynow-index span, .m-btn {color: @buttons_text; background-color: @buttons_bg !important; border: 0 solid darken(@buttons_bg, 10%) !important; border-radius: 0 !important;} .cssButtonHover, .carousel ul li:hover .buynow-index span, .c-product-wrp:hover .buynow-index span, .c-product-wrp:hover .buynow span, .m-btn:hover, .c-product-wrp:hover .m-btn {background-color: @buttons_hover_bg !important; color: lighten(@buttons_text, 100%);} .carousel ul li .buynow-index span, .c-product-wrp .buynow-index span, .c-product-wrp .buynow span {border-color: darken(@buttons_hover_bg, 20%) !important;} /*.buynow-index span {background-color: #fff !important; color: #333; border: 1px solid #d7d7d7 !important;}*/ .button_in_cart, .button_checkout, .button_login, .button_continue_checkout, .button_confirm_order, .button_submit { background-color: @buttons_hover_bg !important; border: 0 darken(@buttons_hover_bg, 10%) solid !important; color: lighten(@buttons_text, 100%); } .button_in_cartHover, .button_checkoutHover, .button_loginHover, .button_continue_checkoutHover, .button_confirm_orderHover, .button_submitHover { background-color: darken(@buttons_hover_bg, 5%) !important; color: lighten(@buttons_text, 100%); } #tab_nav_mobile { background-color: @menu_bg;} #top_nav_mobile { border-bottom: darken(@menu_bg, 10%); } li.tab-active { background-color: darken(@menu_bg, 10%) !important;} #tab_nav_mobile li span.dlm {background: darken(@menu_bg, 10%);} /* bottom colors */ .bg-bottom-full {background-color: @bottom_bg; border-top: 1px solid lighten(@bottom_bg, 2%); color: @bottom_text;} .f-container-1 span:before, .f-container-2 span:before, .f-container-3 span:before {color: lighten(@bottom_text, 20%) !important;} .f-box-1 {background-color: darken(@bottom_bg, 2%);} .bg-bottom-full ul li a {color: @bottom_text; text-decoration: none !important; text-transform: uppercase;} .bg-bottom-full ul li a:hover {color: @accent;} #footer ul li { border-bottom: 0 solid lighten(@bottom_bg, 3%);} .menuTitle {color: lighten(@bottom_text, 5%); text-transform: uppercase;} /* .social-icons a {background-color: lighten(@bottom_bg, 2%);} */ /* /bottom colors */ /* #menu_more {background-color: lighten(@top_line_menu, 16%) !important;} */